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Upgraded Organization XIII Hoodie & Long Coat
Upgraded Organization XIII Hoodie & Long Coat
March 03, 2019
The Organization XIII Hoodie and Long Coat have been given an upgrade!
To keep up with demand, I decided to find a verified, reputable manfacturer to help produce the hoodies and long coat. In doing so, I've been able to add even more details, use a higher quality fabric, and have the chain and drawstring custom made so it would look more accurate. Each one will be made to my EXTREMELY high standards, I will not ship anything less than perfect to keep with SixOn Clothing's standard for quality work.
If it were successfully funded I will also add it to SixOn's online shop.
Throughout the campaign I will post updates as the manufacturer provides any updates as they source new materials. The design is ready for production, but any additional possible upgrades will be added! :)